Integrative Medicine

Integrative Medicine: the Tools we use to help you

 Integrative Medicine is a wholistic approach to your healthcare. Integrative Health is a new but old way of creating Health. The foundation of Integrative Health is at the core: a relationship with your health provider. At LCOIH, it involves coming along side of you, helping you create health goals, and giving you the tools to achieve real health. Dr. Boyer believes those tools are the 4 pillars to real health. Everything we do at LCOIH, falls within one of the 4 pillars.  

Integrative Medicine takes account of the whole person, including all aspects of lifestyle including: what you put in your mouth, what you put in your mind and how you move your body. Integrative Health encompasses  your physical, mental, social and environmental health, as well as emotional and spiritual health. 

Simply put,  integrative medicine offers best practices for optimal health and healing. From IV Nutrition to osteopathy and detoxifying foot baths, we offer natural and traditional treatments for patients of all ages. 

Core Values of Integrative Medicine:

  • The Healing power of Love
  • Optimal health
  • Whole person
  • Prevention and treatment
  • Innate healing ability
  • Patient centered care
  • Individual 
  • Teaching by example 

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