Osteopathic Medicine

Inhale; Exhale

" He who is able to reason will see that this great river of life must be tapped and the withering field irrigated at once, or the harvest of health will be lost forever" 
AT Still MD, DO

True motion is essential for health. Your lungs breathe in oxygen  and breathe out carbon dioxide. You use your musculoskeletal system to move you from one location to another. BUT did you know that every part of your body moves? Every part of your body actually inhales and exhales; expands and contracts. Your bones, muscles and ligaments of course. But your brain, your liver, your lymphatic system and your intestines expand and contracts as well. In order to achieve real health, your body... your entire body... must have true motion.

Osteopathy is a modality of healing that aims to work with the natural machinery of the body for normal or reparative function. It involves Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM) or hands on approach to ensure that every part of the body (including muscles, bones, nerves, fascia and even your organs) are moving as intended. If something in your body is not moving properly it can not function properly and that can lead to organ fatigue and eventually disease. We truly believe that preventative medicine is the essence of Osteopathy.


Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM)

 Osteopathy is a modality of healing that aims to work with the natural machinery of the body for normal or reparative function. Osteopathy is Dr. Boyer's specialty. Cranial Osteopathy is a specialized OMM approach that ensures the motion o f your brain, spinal cord and whole body. Dr. Boyer  has additional training in this area, specifically in treating brain inflammation. 

Cranial Osteopathy

Cranial Osteopathy is a type of OMM.  it focuses on the motion of the cranial bones, dura that lies beneath as well as the brain contained within.  Image this, the brain should be like a sponge with a hole in the middle. That hole should be filled with fluid, the sponge should be filled with fluid.  T he sponge should be floating in a bucket of fluid.  The bucket is the cranial bones, the rest is what should be happening inside the skull.  If that fluid is not circulating and flowing well, it can lead to brain congestion and inflammation that can eventually lead to symptoms of depression, anxiety, brain fog as well as ADHD.

Who can benefit from Osteopathy?

 Short answer: Everyone. From newborns to children, adults and older individuals. OMM (Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine) can benefit people of all ages. We see patients for the following issues and so much more: 
  • General Prevention and Wellbeing for Infants, Children & Adults
  • Pregnancy
  • Birth Trauma (Both Mother & Child)
  • Headaches
  • Back Pain
  • Ear Infections
  • Colic and Poor Sleeping Infants, nursing challenges 
  • Asthma or COPD
  • Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue
  • Joint Pain
  • Arthritis   
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome or other GI Problems 
  • Dizziness & Vertigo

What kind of techniques are used in OMM?

  • Balanced Ligamentous Tension (BLT)
  • Cranial Osteopathy/Osteopathy in the Cranial Field (OCF)
  • Ligamentous Articular Strain (LAS)
  • Strain Counter Strain (SCS)
  • Facilitated Positional Release (FPR)
  • Myofascial Release (MFR)
  • Visceral Manipulation (VIS)
  • Muscle Energy (ME)
  • High Velocity Low Amplitude (HVLA)

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